
Isnin, 18 Februari 2019

Is life a competition? Is life really a race?

Since we were children we are taught to compete. Day after day the habit of competing with others is shaped. When we less expect it that habit is created, and our whole life becomes a competition, a competition where we need to beat others in order to be successful.

But is life really a competition?
Is life really a race?
Do we need to compete in order to be successful?
It is the act of competing with others what give us true victory?
Can the result of a competition really define a human being?

Watch this video (in full screen for best viewing) to know the answer and don't forget to share it with your friends and family.

Illustration by Hafiy Halim | Blog: http://breakingpensil.blogspot.com/ | FB: Doodle Scratch
Translated by Plain83 | Blog: http://throughmyglasseskacamata.blogspot.com

Original version in Bahasa Melayu - Kenapa kita sering kalah dengan orang lain?

P/S: Jangan lupa untuk menyokong kami dengan membeli buku Buasir Otak: The Komik (ENIGMA) yang baru di sini - http://bit.ly/buybotk6.



tags: kehidupan bukan perlumbaan pertandingan perjalanan life is not a race competition but journey komik illustrasi english version motivational motivation video

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