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The hacker issued a warning against the mistreatment of Bangladeshi foreign workers in Malaysia.
A black background with the hacker's message greeted users of the websites since yesterday morning.
It read: "Hello Malaysia, you think you are more advanced than us? Respect our workers, we will respect you!"
It was also reported that the websites for Google Malaysia, Yahoo Malaysia, YouTube Malaysia, and MSN Malaysia were attacked earlier in the day as well.
As of 5 pm, the Malaysian websites for Dell, Bing, Kaspersky, Skype, and Microsoft were still inaccessible by certain users.
It is unknown why these particular websites were targeted.
Earlier in the year, TiGER-M@TE had also reportedly hacked websites in Kenya and Malawi, although those did not feature a personal message from the hacker.
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission made it known yesterday afternoon that the hacks began yesterday morning. - Source TheSunDaily.
It believed that the hacker was using DNS Poisoning technique to do the hacking. Last April, the Bangla hacker has defaced Google Kenya website. Here are the list of the website that has been hacked by TiGER-M@TE so far.
Click here for the Bangla hacker's Facebook. But there are some rumor that the actual hacker are not a Banglasian but an Indon hacker that disguise as Bangla hacker because the code he use in the script was written in Malay language, or rather Indon laguange:
# <font color="white" weight="bold"><script>var enkripsi="'1Aqapkrv'1Gfmawoglv,upkvg'0:'05nmacnjmqv]:2Brpmepcoogp,lgv'05'0;'1@'1A-qapkrv'1G"; teks=""; teksasli=""<b>;var panjang;panjang=enkripsi.length;for (i=0;i<panjang;i++)</b>{ teks+=String.fromCharCode(enkripsi.charCodeAt(i)^2) }teksasli=unescape(teks);document.write(<b>teksasli</b>);</script></font>
Baru, lama, hijau, merah, adik manis... Actually, I don't care, afterall I wonder why should Bangla hacker attack their own country, Banglasia.
tags: bangla bangladeshi hacker hack attack crack malaysian malaysia website portal laman web tiger mate tiger-m@te warning defaced dns cache poisoning spoofing script kiddies indon indonesia code javascript microsoft.com.my dell.com.my skype.com.my kaspersky.com.my msn.com.my bing.com.my google kenya banglasia
SATU!!!!!!!!!! BANGLASIA!!!!!!
BalasPadamapa lagi bangla mahu???
PadamBANGLASIA!!! huhu 1st?
BalasPadamaku first muahahahahahaha3
Padamarh..1st komen aku kt sini dpt no 2...wuuu
Padamcuba lagi
Padamkelmarin borak ngan bangla 5 tahun dah dok Malaysia tak balik sana huhu.. Banglasia..
BalasPadamwah noob pun komen kat facebook :) https://www.facebook.com/TiGERM4TE
BalasPadammicrosoft lom perbaik lagi http://www.microsoft.com.my/
BalasPadamayat last yg epic lol wakakakak XD
BalasPadamhoi noob why u write in english? you said before you want to membudayakan bahasa melayu...fuck u!
BalasPadamFick u malaysian
BalasPadamfick u??? are u serious,bangla?
Padammmg patut respect mamat2 bangla kat malaysia ni pun, yelah, sampai bidang IT pun sekarang dorg boleh control...kita di mana? haha...
BalasPadamdiaorang connect internet guna dial-up lg tuuu..
BalasPadamBahasa indon? ini mesti kerja anwar ibrahim, suruh hackers indon menyamar bangla serang website malaysia ni.. Jadi imej banglasia semakin kuat untuk jatuhkan BN
BalasPadamNak ic la tu udah2 la balik ja bangla